Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Becoming a Strawberry!

If there's any truth to the saying, "You are what you eat," I may well be on my way to becoming a strawberry.  Remember my post about the Bald Knob strawberries?  And the Strawberry Butter?  And the Strawberry Pie? 
I have a confession to make.  Despite the fact that, even as I type this, I have very yummy strawberries growing in my own backyard, our family has now gone through 10 quarts of Bald Knob strawberries!

We just can't get enough! 

Anyway, I thought I'd share these with you.  They're Berry Chips, made in a dehydrator.  Judging by how many people I see eating deer jerky around here, I'm assuming lots of folks already have dehydrators at home.  If you don't, check this one out.  It's what I have.  It gets the job done, and is definitely on the cheaper end of the spectrum.
To make these, simply hull and slice strawberries.  Lay them out on the dehydrator sheets.  Plug in dehydrator.  Go to bed.  Wake up.  Enjoy Strawberry Chips. 

It's really that easy. 

They'll keep for a long time in an airtight container and make a great snack!  You could also add them to your favorite granola mix, cereal, or salad.  Yum!

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