Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloweens Past!

Okay.  I promised Halloween pics, but I failed to get any, other than an entire family pic (which I can't post on this publicly-viewed blog, but FaceBook friends are welcome to check it out on there.).

Sorry!  We did continue our tradition of dressing as a family.    This year we were Pizza Planet pizza delivery guys, complete with logo-ed up t-shirts, hats, pizza boxes and even a delivery light on the top of the minivan.  We knew people would be disappointed that we were not delivering actual pizza, so we printed up copies of Granny's awesome homemade pizza recipe to hand out instead.

Someone asked me yesterday if I have a hard time getting John to go along with these family costume ideas, but actually he was just thrilled that this year's costume didn't include tights, like last year's super heroes!  In truth, he's always up for anything, which is one of the things that makes him a fun dad and incredible partner.

I don't have any pics of last night to share, but I was able to dig up a couple old ones for your viewing pleasure. ;)

2012  Pizza Planet delivery guys

2011 The Incredi-Bellers (this was Little Boy's 1st Halloween at home)

2010 The Chipmunks -- John as Dave, Me as Simon, Girl 1 as Alvin, and Girl 2 as Theodore (complete with pillow-padding -- she was such a good sport!)

2009  LadyBugs and Bug Collectors (The Girls were the Bugs, and Parents were the Collectors, complete with nets and wire cages)

2008  Crayons (complete with cone hats that we had to take off and put back on everytime we got in and out of the car! -- Sorry, no pic available for this one. ;)

I'm pretty sure that's it.  So, we started dressing as a family in 2008 with the crayons when Girl 2 was only 2 -- She was an adorable tiny purple crayon!

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