Here's the screenshot of the original list.
Let's review, with commentary (blue for goals achieved and red for goals unmet):
1. Read through the Bible Yep. I've managed to do this one! I've done this on even-numbered years since 2006 and LOVE it!
2. Spend less; reduce debt Umm. Not exactly. The kids are involved in more activities than ever before, and we've spent a hefty chunk this past year on setting up our little backyard farm -- money well-spent
3. Run a 5K and/or bike the Katy Trail YES!!! Since I got the post-surgical green light to begin running, I've run 6 different 5Ks and loved every one! I would still like to bike the Katy Trail, but spending a week away from the farm is not very practical right now.
4. Drive less/ bike more I have driven less. MUCH less. I try to limit my driving to Batesville to one trip per week. It makes for a long day, but Little Boy and I just try to get all the errands done at once. I have not biked more. I don't really know what I was thinking with this goal. Where was Little Boy supposed to be while I biked to the grocery store?
5. Learn to do new things, such as garden organically, milk goats, make soap and cheese A giant YES! to all of these! I've actually learned to do a lot of new things this year (and tried to share most of them with you!)
6. Spend one-on-one time with each child daily Sadly, no. This one did not get accomplished. I mean, sure, I was able to give them all daily squeezes and affirmation, but I did not get to spend the undivided-attention kind of time with each of them EVERYDAY.
7. Improve my Spanish Again . . . Fail. This is one of those things that gets pushed to the backburner year after year.
8. Save for Guatemala trip Our previously scheduled Guatemala trip was delayed for myriad reasons and hasn't been rescheduled. This makes it hard to get motivated to save for it and to work on the Spanish. This does need to become a priority, though. Girl 2 is ready to explore the culture and country of her birth.
9. Give regularly to church and a non-profit Yep. Kind of. The non-profits changed throughout the year, but we were always giving.
10. Develop a friendship Through the Small Town Moms group I joined this year, I was able to meet several great ladies and develop some new friendships.
11. Walk unassisted This one may seem a bit silly, but I was still on crutches when I made the list. I accomplished this one early and have been walking (mostly) pain-free since January.
So, it's good to look back. . . but now it's time to look forward. What will my goals be for 2013? What are yours?