Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day, everyone!  This is the day set aside to celebrate the beautiful earth God has entrusted to our care.  On this day, millions of people will join in the celebration by committing to do acts of green.  The  most popular act of green commitment is switching from standard to CFL lightbulbs.  We went on a hunt and found one standard bulb in this fan upstairs that we could switch out (wouldn't you know, it was already burned out!).  We do still have a few standard decorative bulbs in our bathrooms, but otherwise, I think we're entirely switched over now.

Also, we walked to church today.  We do this nearly every Sunday as it is right next door.  In fact, the kids think it's really funny when we drive to church on rainy days.  When we get to the end of the driveway in the car, John announces, "Okay, kids, we're going to church."  Then, about 3 seconds later, as we turn into the church parking lot, "Okay, kids, we're at church!"  It's a joke that never grows old.  They crack up every time!

Another act of green that we committed to do is to eat more local food.  It hardly gets more local than your own backyard!  This, our root box, has the most things in it right now.

Here's what the garden looks like today.  Lots of things are now in and growing. 

How have you shown kindness to our earth today?

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